Tag: humour

Discover your parenting superpower – Humour | TEDxAJCE

Learning to laugh with our kids, laugh at them and most importantly laugh at ourselves, is probably the best gift we can give ourselves. Looking for a superpower? Try humour!

Watch this #TEDx talk.

Happy Mother’s Day

Her: What do you want for Mother’s Day, amma?

Me: Hmm, how about a clean house.

Her: I can give you gifts amma, not miracles!

#ThingsMyKidsSay #HappyMothersDay

School’s out

Me: If you don’t stop nagging me, I’m going to change the password for Netflix and Amazon Prime.

Her: Amma, do you really want to lose your status as the best mother in the world?

 #School’sOut #WelcomeToTheSummerHolidays


Hairy days

Her: How was your day amma?

Me: I had such a busy day. I’m so frazzled. Can’t you see my hair sticking up everywhere.

Her: Chill amma… a calm mind leads to calm hair!

– Life and fashion advice all rolled into one, courtesy my newly minted teenager.

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